Calder trophy goes to Goldie VanGarderen! She's been amazing every step of the way and got us not only what we were looking for in our future home but also competing offers on our current home and sold it in a crazy tight timeline. I highly recommend her for buying or selling your home! Thanks Goldie!
- Andrew and Vanessa
Goldie was very helpful throughout the whole process of selling our home. She was always available for any questions and provided dynamic solutions. We were very happy with our sale. Thanks Goldie!
- Jerad and Margriet
We had an amazing experience with Goldie looking for a house in Abbotsford and Mission. She was the perfect mix of helpful, thorough and available when you needed her. She would regularly bring to us good options and call to discuss the merits and rationale behind her recommendations both for and against properties. She listened and worked tirelessly with us through our changing circumstances in a very competitive market. She knows the area and the market very well and will help you find your dream home.
Ultimately, a few circumstances have moved our search to the island, however having worked with a handful of realtors in the past and with our new search, we can say without a doubt that Goldie is excellent at what she does and would highly recommend her.
- Nicole